All Employer Member MeetingWebinar • February 19, 2025
Presentation of the Florida Diabetes Trend Report and other updates

Click HERE to view slide deck.

Addressing Obesity through Holistic Design for Affordability and Sustainability
Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value Type 2 Diabetes Report – 10th edition
          Past reports are in our archives. Please contact Lisa Hain at if you’d like to view them.
          Thank you to our Affiliate Member Sanofi for their work in assembling this report.

Coverage of Anti-Obesity MedicationsWebinar • August 24, 2023

New resources from Affiliate Member, Novo Nordisk:
Raise awareness around obesity – “Despite the millions of people living with obesity, this disease often gets overlooked by healthcare providers and leaves patients without the proper medical care they deserve. Obesity is about more than just excess weight, it’s about long-term health. People living with obesity are at a constant battle with their biology, where changes in their appetite hormone levels can cause them to gain back the weight, they’ve worked so hard to lose. Click here to learn more.”
The Weigh Forward – Recognize the Impact
The Economic Impact of Obesity on Your Organization

New resources from Affiliate Member, Sanofi:
Take Action When Diagnosed With Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes
Annual Out-of-Pocket Costs per All-Payer Type 2 Diabetes Patient Receiving Various Insulin and Non-Insulin Antidiabetic Therapies, 2021

Session #4 – July 13, 2022

Click here to view Session 4 slides that have been approved to share.

Additional Resources:

Florida Alliance Affiliate Member, Novo Nordisk, the sponsor of our final Diabetes ELC session featuring Jenny Goins of the Kentuckiana Health Collaborative, is keenly aware of the impact that obesity has on the health and mental wellbeing of your employees. To address the impacts of this chronic disease condition, Novo Nordisk has compiled vast and in-depth free resources on their website Novo Nordisk WORKSTM. Organizations can use the website to understand the value of chronic weight management, as well as help employees with their own health and wellness journey. Free resources span from the employer perspective to payers and formulary decision makers, and include helpful articles, data-driven research, customizable templates, learning modules for employees, and much more.

Preventing Diabetes in Your Workforce by Incorporating a Proven Value-Based Benefits Design Strategy, the National Diabetes Prevention Program

Session #2 – June 7, 2022

Session #1 – May 24, 2022

Click here to view Session 1 slides.

Additional Resources:
Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value Type 2 Diabetes Report – 8th edition
The New Science of Obesity – National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Action Brief

This program is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $27,500 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily do not reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.