Take Action: Accelerate Value
Through Transparency and Innovation
Online event · April 13 & April 20, 2021
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Florida Alliance held its Annual Conference and Annual Meeting as a 2-part virtual event.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Keynote Address:
Transparency in Health Care – What the Doctor Ordered

Johns Hopkins Surgeon
Professor of Public Health Policy,
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Dr. Makary highlighted key topics covered in his most recent best-seller, The Price We Pay, including the ongoing issue of transparency in health care and what business leaders can do to combat rising costs for their employees. Dr. Makary presented his unique insider perspective as both a practicing physician and public policy expert. He believes employers, who provide healthcare to over 100 million Americans, can change health care for the better.
Respondent Panel

President & CEO
Health Care Cost Institute

President & CEO
Florida Hospital Association

Policy Researcher
RAND Corporation
Panel Moderator

President & CEO
Florida Alliance for
Healthcare Value
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Advancing Payment Reform in Florida: Recommendations from the Tampa-Orlando Market Assessment

Executive Director
Catalyst for Payment Reform

Program Director
Catalyst for Payment Reform
Respondent Panel

SVP, Episodes of Care
Signify Health

Chairman & CEO
Cedar Gate Technologies

CEO & Founder
Embold Health
Thank you to our generous sponsors!