How Employers Can Achieve a Fair Price in Hospital Negotiations

Dr. Karen van Caulil, President and CEO of the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value, and Mike Thompson, President and CEO of the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, shared strategies that self-funded employers can implement to achieve lower prices in hospital negotiations in a recent article in HealthPayerIntelligence.

December 2022 E-Newsletter

2022 was a very busy, productive, and impactful year at the Florida Alliance. This year we tackled key issues like mental health and substance use chronic disease management, transparency, the cost of drugs and medical care, patient safety, and evidence-based best practices. The December issue of our newsletter includes information on our 30th Annual Conference […]

Press Release – Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades, Fall 2022

The Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit representing hundreds of the nation’s most influential employers and purchasers of health care, driven in Florida by the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value, has announced the fall 2022 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades.

Employer Group Touts “Playbook,” Data to Broker Hospital Prices

The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalition’s “playbook” will help employers use hospital price and quality transparency data from Sage Transparency, a free online service that displays data from a variety of sources on hospital prices and quality.