Trends and Policy Changes in the Drug Value Chain: Five Employer Actions and Recommendations

This two-hour session featured industry veteran Alex Jung, MBA, Partner & Managing Director of EY-Parthenon, who covered trends and policy changes in the drug value chain.
Eliminating Low Value Care While Incentivizing High Value Care

The two-hour session featured two dynamic speakers who focused on sharing innovative ways to drive high-value care.
National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions Elects New Board

The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions announced its slate of new officers for the Board of Governors. Karen van Caulil, President and CEO of the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value, was newly re-elected as a Representative on the Board. Officers are elected by their board peers based on proven leadership and commitment to the National Alliance, as well as their efforts to advance and strengthen value-based purchasing strategies.
Summer 2020 E-newsletter

In our Summer 2020 newsletter we welcome our Board of Directors for 2020-2021 and share highlights of our Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors held virtually on April 22, 2020. We also have information on registration for our virtual Summer Education Series scheduled for July, presented in place of our Annual Conference. Florida Alliance […]
Winter 2020 E-newsletter

The first Florida Alliance newsletter for 2020 brings important news. The national steering committee for The Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use has selected eight organizations across the nation to implement its multi-stakeholder transformative initiative and the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value is one of the eight! We’re also excited to announce the […]