An online article published on August 2 in Bloomberg Business, Health Insurers Don’t Want You to Know Where Your Money is Going, reasons that “employers are losing trust in the companies they hire to run their health plans.” While most employers have not publicly probed the insurance companies’ role in rising healthcare costs, with new transparency rules requiring hospitals and health insurers to publicly disclose prices they have negotiated for many services, employers are starting to ask questions.
However, employers are finding that when asked, insurance companies are refusing to provide information about their medical claims leading to lawsuits.
Karen van Caulil, President and CEO of the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value, was interviewed for this article in April. She shared the difficulty Florida employers were having in getting timely access to their claims data. As quoted in the article, Karen indicated that employers “are handcuffed in being able to get that information.”
Since the time of the interview, we have made significant progress in seeing our employer members be able to obtain their claims data for the cost savings analysis project we are working on with the help of experts like Alex Jung and Chris Deacon.
Read the full article here.